About us

The Eastern Europe and Central Asia Constituency (EECA Constituency) is one of the 10 constituencies representing implementing countries at the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (TGF). The EECA Constituency represents 22 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia region.  As a representative of the countries of the region, the EECA Constituency is one of the 7 "government” constituencies within the Implementer Group (IG), although the EECA delegates come from both sectors; the government and the civil society.
The members of the EECA Constituency are prominent professionals, managers and leaders in the response to the HIV and TB in their respective countries.  The capacities of the EECA Constituency members are not limited to the EECA region only; some of them have taken a part of many international initiatives as well.

A vast majority of the Constituency members are the CCM members and have been or currently occupy leadership positions in the CCMs; some of them perform different functions in the CCM Secretariats etc. However, each EECA Constituency member has to have a mandatory authorisation from the CCM/Ministry of Health/Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the respective country to represent the country at the EECA Constituency.  The majority of the members have been or are right now actively involved in the implementation of the GFATM funded programmes and projects, either in the role of the PR or SR.